While taking digital studio techniques I learned/used photoshop. I'm very glad I took this course before Studio Seminar. I'm also curious and exited to see what changes I can do to marker renderings that I already have.
Rendering with Photoshop:
Although it's good to render with marker and learn different techniques, it's much easier to render with photoshop. I would usually have to print out a drawing from AutoCad, trace it onto marker paper, then spend hours upon hours rendering. And if i messed up I started the process over again. :( With Photoshop you have the opportunity to erase, undo, create your own blob bush, double the layers, and even get the perfect color that your wanting (and if it's not right the first time you can change the levels!). Photoshop makes it faster and easier, and there are so many different techniques you can experiment with.
Floor Plans:
I would usually have to draw a floor plan and spend hours rendering and trying to duplicate the materials I selected. Now I can actually scan in the materials, making it easier to tell where the fabric goes, especially for future clients.
Material Boards:
The old process would be to cut out a square in your material, then cut out another square in foam board. You would take the material and wrap it around the foam board and glue it, after that your would then place and glue all your materials on the board....hoping that the glue would keep them held. Now I can just take the already scanned materials from the floor plan and create a new document, place the materials where I like and just add drop shadows. It also give you an advantage of giving more detailed information about the materials, it's easier to store away, and it's a great way to show it off in a portfolio :)
For examples you can look at older post. Since all of my projects are on boards I now have the skills and new techniques to make touch ups before creating my portfolio. :)
Inktober 2023 day 31/ Kairos Fateweaver
1 year ago